Joy Division’s Ian Curtis


Woohoo! As we find ourselves in the deep end of the EMPT17- our 17 year anniversary. We look back through the years and dust off some of the forgotten anthems that were once floor-fillers for the previous generations of popettes to lose themselves in the dark and noisy rooms.

So here are 17 forgotten Eatmepoptart anthems. Who knows? You might hear them again this weekend at Classics!


1. THE XX - “Crystalized” (2008)

Although “Intro” is still played quite a bit at our parties these days, the first ever track from The xx that we played was “Crystalised”. The chemistry between Romy and Oliver is still sexy as hell, and that burning passion in the exchange always succeeded to fill the dancefloor with so much passion and teenage lust.


2. JOY DIVISION - “Love Will Tear Us Apart” (1980)

A floor-filler since day one, the Joy Division anthem basically gave Eatmepoptart its shape and direction at the start. We never fail to do the Ian Curtis dance to this, but it is, ironically, a very sad song that about Curtis’s troubled relationship with this wife Deborah Woodruff.


3. PULP - “Babies” (1994)

Pulp was another band that inspired us since day one. Their quirkiness and anecdotal songs about growing up, have always set the tone for how we ran our parties. "Disco 2000” and “Common People” would probably be their most loved tracks, but “Babies”, from the album His N Hers in ‘94, is Jarvis & co’s best work. A naughty coming-of-age story filled with voyeurism, lust and guilt- something that we’ve all been before. Right? Right?


4. FOALS - “Spanish Sahara” (2010)

There was a period in the early 2010s that this was banged out constantly during our nights. From an intro that starts off almost silent, and builds up into a a symphonic wonder, “Spanish Sahara” would evoke all kinds of extreme emotions on the dancefloor, and still stands of one of the best tracks Foals ever made.


5. THE SUBWAYS - “Rock N Roll Queen” (2005)

All throughout the years of 2005-2010, “Rock N Roll Queen” would really put the Rock N Roll in its place at Eatmepoptart. This was a massive banger that never fails to bring out the adrenaline and the sweat on the dancefloor- today’s equivalent of “clocking our steps”.


6. THE MAGIC NUMBERS - “Forever Lost” (2005)

For almost a decade since its release, “Forever Lost” was always one of the closing songs of our nights. A song of a couple going through a breakup and moving their separate ways, contrasted by it’s somewhat happy melodies, this bittersweet number will always twang our heartstrings.


7. NOAH AND THE WHALE - “5 Years Time” (2008)

We all need some happiness on the dancefloor and some sun, sun, sun as well! This is exactly what we got from the indie-folk band Noah and The Whale. This number would always bring the smiles and the dopamine back on the dancefloor and fill our hearts with love, love, love!


8. THE NAKED AND FAMOUS - “Young Blood” (2010)

The turn of the decade saw many bands move into synth-territory. The Naked And Famous became one of the bands that took this by its jugular and gave us some massive hits, “Young Blood” included. This shift also saw a new generation of club kids at our nights, taking the hip level up a step!


9. THE DRUMS - “Let’s Go Surfing” (2010)

The Drums was one of the bands that made indie-rock hip again. Meshing in some surf-rock sensibilities, “Let’s Go Surfing” became a frequent flyer on our dancefloors! A little jangle-pop, a little twist, a lot of tight jeans, the new but fleeting wave of indie was mainstay at our nights for a few short years.


10. FOSTER THE PEOPLE - Helena Beat (2011)

Before ”Pumped Up Kicks” became a massive hit, “Helena Beat” was a regular at our nights, and a huge favourite to heat up the nights. Taking synth-rock up a notch, this little number is an infectious one filled with some pop-dance melodies to get ourselves all anxious for a dance-up. Most times “Helena Beat” would be followed by…


11. THE PAINS OF BEING PURE AT HEART - “Even In Dreams” (2011)

TPOBPAH’s “Even In Dreams”, although not one of their most popular releases, was such a perfect track after FTP’s “Helena Beat”. Reviving the dreampop & shoegaze genre, TPOBPAH brought a newly packaged nostalgia to our dancefloors, and gave us another shot at experiencing our youth.


12. YEAH YEAH YEAHS - “Maps” (2003)

Since the beginning of Eatmepoptart, we can never go through a night without playing at least five YYY tracks. Everyone wanted to be Karen O in one form or another, be it fashionista, rock icon or riot grrrl. Karen O and YYY fully embodied our whole philosophy of celebrating our weirdness and “fuck what everyone else thinks!”. They don’t love you like Iove you, the iconic line from tender number “Maps” that became the love song for the times- oozing with so much unrelenting passion and


13. TEST ICICLES - “Circle. Square. Triangle” (2005)

To be really honest, we absolutely had no idea what this song was about. But, for a short time, we were obsessed with everything Test Icicles released. They embraced a new punk-like energy, along with a hipster aesthetic, during the peak Myspace era. “Circle. Square. Triangle” was probably about a mad night out with your mates getting shit-faced, and for that brief moment, we lived for it.


14. SHE WANTS REVENGE - “Tear You Apart” (2005)

Probably a one-hit-wonder from the 2000s, the post-punk band She Wants Revenge biggest and only hit “Tear You Apart” added a little darkness to the dancefloor- with a dark-wave synth and electronica texture, alongside lyrics some might describe as sexual violence (while others interpret it as rough sex), the track was a huge favourite at our nights, albeit for a short two or so years.


15. BEST COAST - “Our Deal” (2010)

Every once in a while, we’d like to drop a surprise on a packed dancefloor. Best Coast’s “Our Deal”, for a period during the early 2010s, was the perfect track to add some tenderness in the middle of a sweat-filled mosh. The iconic video, directed by Drew Berrymore, featured post-Kick Ass IT girl Chloë Moretz, and told the tale of a forbidden love between members of rival gangs- and ends with a Romeo and Juliet-like tragedy.


16. KATE NASH - “Foundations” (2007)

Some of your might remember Kate Nash from 80s wrestling TV drama GLOW. In 2007, her hit “Foundations” became a huge hit at Eatmepoptart. The genius in the lyrical wit tells a story about her holding on to a relationship even when she abhors the guy, contrasted with major (happy) chords, gives this track a strong irony- and a signal that it’s time to hit the dancefloor once again!


17. HERCULES AND LOVE AFFAIR - “Blind” (2008)

James Murphy’s DFA records heralded a new wave of indie-disco and electronica to our dancefloors during the late 2000s. One of the biggest moments we had was the introduction of “Blind” by Hercules and Love Affair. The disco revival was here, or at least we we thought during that time, “Blind” pumped our dancefloors with a fresh air of electronic music- the phat bassline and dancey melodies, combined with Ahohni’s vocals that brought us right back to an 80s Jimmy Sommerville territory, added a much needed butt-moving injection to the dancefloor.


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