by Eatmepoptart


At the start of the year, we threw a few back-to-school themed parties to celebrate a fresh term. During the dancefloor assemblies, we rounded up a few folks from the crowd, pulled them aside, and chatted with them about what they remember about school life.

So here's a freshly pressed Meet The Popettes: Class Action Edition!






What was THE school incident?
There was this guy in school who I wasn’t really friends with, but we had sat down for lunch together before a couple times at the same table because we had close mutual friends. And um well, he did some things and is a fugitive in the US now. 

Did you have a good or a bad time in school?
I think when I was in school, I felt like it was a bad time but in retrospect it was a good time because I made really good friends. We did like lots of stupid shit together but now I guess I have stories to tell at parties.

What was your most embarrassing memory in school? 
I was in class and that time of the month came without warning, so I had to make do with toilet paper, as most students usually resort to. However, it fell out suddenly during class and I panicked and didn’t know what to do, so I messaged my best friend in class. She rushed over & hid the toilet paper, grabbed my chair with me still in it and wheeled me to the toilet. It caused a bit of a scene and pissed off our teacher but at least nobody saw the accident on my skirt.






Were you a nerd or a jock? 
I was a nerd, every single day after school I stayed back and studied. 

Ya! My grades were really good.

What was your CCA?
I was in track. (jogs very fast on the spot)

What was your go to canteen meal? 
Caifan with two eggs and one sausage. I’m not kidding, I got a picture you want to see? (goes on to ramble about proteinmaxxing)



Nigel (L), Sithu (R)



What is your best memory from school?
Nigel: Being late for school and climbing/jumping over fence.
Sithu: During one of the NDP celebrations in school we climbed/jumped into school and got caught by the principal running away we physically bumped into principal so hard she FELL.....and she was in her 50s....

And what is the most embarrassing?
N: I was 11 and mispronounced the word ‘grass’ in front of everyone and they all laughed ): I still remember it till today sigh.
S: I got called out in front of the whole school for having a undercut which wasn't allowed and my mum had to pay $60 at a salon to fix it.

Would you like to relive school life again, or pass?
N: I would and would appreciate the moments more.
S: No, I had many sweet memories but I felt that it was time to move on.

What is one thing you would change?
N: Study less and focus on having fun with my friends
S: I met my high school sweetheart of 8 years, but we broke up last year ): If I could go back I wouldn't have said hi to her...... </3

What is THE school incident?
Both: The police were called cos someone broke into the emergency fire equipment which was an axe to freak teachers out with it..... The culprit ended up crying cos he was scared of the cops...

Were you a good or bad student?
N: Good student - Cos I was a pretty good student alot of my actions were often overlooked hahaha I could get away with anything
S: Bad student - when I was sitting for my O Levels, I got caught letting my friends copy off my papers....






What is your best memory from school?
We would run around school and skateboard while it wasn’t allowed hoping we won’t get caught TEEHEE

And what is the most embarrassing?
My bestie & I were naughty kids in Primary school and used to get in trouble and had to squat in naughty corners as punishment.

Would you like to relive school life again, or pass?

What is one thing you would change?
I wouldn’t change it, I feel that I had to go through whatever I did to get me to where I am today.

What is THE school incident?
We had an UNHINGED TEACHER who would use a broom stick to hit the ceiling on the second floor to STFU.

Were you a good or bad student?
GOOD. Cos I nerd la LOL

What was your CCA/club in school?
Water Polo, Touch Rugby.

What was your go to canteen meal?
Wednesday Western food!!!!! Anything from the western stall.

Did you have a good or a bad time at school?

If you could give any advice to your past self, what would it be?
Don't PAISEH leh just GO je, enjoy life. We Singaporeans are very reserved so pls learn to have fun.

Were you a nerd or a jock?
60% - jock

One interesting fact about any of the schools you’ve gone to.
Being in a girls school, we were quite open and very comfortable being in an all female environment. That experience shaped me to be the woman I am today.






If you could relive your schooling life again, what would you do differently?
I was very goody-two-shoes so I think I would get out party more. I wish there were Poptarts where I lived, but instead I spent too much time doing maths.

If you could give any advice to your past self, what would it be?
Chill out more. Grades are temporary, just breathe and spend more time with your friends.

What was THE school incident?
When I was in seventh grade, one of our batchmates thought it would be fun to do a chemistry experiment in the bathroom and he put raw sodium in the wash basin. It exploded and I was in the school when it happened and was like “what the fuck” at how loud it was. A firetruck was deployed even though no one got hurt, it was kind of sad because he was really smart and he got expelled but he went out as a legend. (Disclaimer this did not happen in Singapore)